Please Choose an Arena
Please select the day of the Class
The following Classes are available based on the above selections

Please select one of the following to proceed with the order.

  • 07:40    Section 1
    NAF Five Star Bronze League Championship & NAF Silver League Championship (28)
  • 09:25    Section 20
    Mears Flooring Ladies Side Saddle Horse of the Year Championship (19)
  • 10:45    Section 21
    Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Championship (14)
  • 11:45    Section 22
    SEIB Racehorse to Riding Horse of the Year Championship (12)
  • 18:15    Section 2
    Equitop® Senior Newcomers Championship (24)
  • 21:05    Section 3
    Talent Seekers inc. 7 Year Old Championship (30)
Order Enquiries
Email [email protected]
Phone 07498 338 809

Please quote your Order Number if available so that we can locate your order easily